An outdoor kitchen is like having a kitchen outside. It is a super fun place to cook and eat when the weather is nice. People build outdoor kitchens in their backyards or on patios. They use special materials that can handle the weather. Way To Go Builders knows that planning the size of everything is very important. This helps make the outdoor kitchen comfortable and useful. You need to think about how big the countertops, bars, tables, and seats should be. We will learn about the sizes of different parts of an outdoor kitchen.
Countertop Dimensions
First, let’s talk about countertops. Countertops are flat surfaces where you prepare food. They need to be a good height so you can easily chop vegetables and mix ingredients. Usually, countertops are about 36 inches high. This is about the same height as the kitchen counters inside your house. Also, the depth of the countertop, which is how far it sticks out, should be around 24 to 30 inches. This gives you plenty of space to work. For example, if you are making burgers, you need space for the buns, the patties, and all the toppings. Similarly, for making salads, you need space for cutting all the vegetables.
Next, think about the length of the countertop. The length depends on how much counter space you need. If you have a small grill, you might not need a very long countertop. However, if you have a big grill and a sink, you will need a longer countertop. Furthermore, you can add extra countertop space if you plan to do a lot of cooking outside. For instance, you could add a side counter just for preparing drinks or serving food. Therefore, thinking about how you will use the space helps you decide the right countertop size.
Bar Dimensions
Now, let’s learn about bars. Outdoor bars are great for people to sit and eat or have drinks. They are usually taller than countertops. Typically, bars are about 42 inches high. This height makes it comfortable for people to sit on bar stools. Additionally, the bar top should be wide enough for people to set their plates and drinks. Generally, a bar top that is 16 to 20 inches wide is good. For example, people can easily place their plates and glasses without feeling crowded.
Besides the height and width, the length of the bar also matters. This depends on how many people you want to seat at the bar. For each person, you should plan for about 24 to 30 inches of space along the bar. Moreover, you should consider the space behind the bar for the person serving drinks or food. Consequently, allowing enough space makes it easy for everyone to move around.
Dining Table and Seating Heights
Finally, let’s discuss dining tables and seating heights. Outdoor dining tables can be different heights. Standard dining tables are usually about 28 to 30 inches high. This height works well with regular dining chairs. Also, the size of the table depends on how many people will be eating there. For example, a small round table might be good for four people. On the other hand, a long rectangular table might be better for a bigger group.
Furthermore, when choosing chairs, you need to make sure the seat height is right for the table. Generally, the seat height should be about 10 to 12 inches lower than the table height. This gives people enough legroom. For instance, if your table is 30 inches high, your chairs should be about 18 to 20 inches high. Consequently, everyone can sit comfortably and enjoy their meal.
Planning the dimensions of your outdoor kitchen is very important. You need to consider the height, width, and length of the countertops, bars, and dining tables. Also, you need to choose the right seating height. By following these guidelines, you can create a fun and useful outdoor space for cooking and eating. Therefore, remember these sizes when you are planning your perfect outdoor kitchen.